It takes a big heart to shape little minds

Image result for clipart about childrens month   Children are the future of every nation. Children's Month is celebrated to create awareness among people to train children in the right way for them to grow up and become responsible citizens contributing towards the future of the nation.
   ‎Children should be provided with their basic needs like education,proper nutrition, protection and security from harm and abuses.
   ‎But present situation shows problems of children stricken with poverty. A large number of children are malnourished , some engaged in child labor and are even school drop outs.
   ‎The reason for this problem is poverty, unemployment of parents and failure to see the importance of education in reducing problems.
   ‎This problems can be eradicated by means of quality education,strict implementation of laws tp stop child labor, sponsoring of poor children by the rich for their education as well as good standard of living foster nourishing food to all poor children.
   ‎Lastly with the celebration of children's month it will provide an amenue to present problems existing among children at these times and showcase talents of children through various competitions and activities held in school.
   ‎We then should nurture our children so they grow up to be good human beings and help build a stronger nation.


  1. Yes, they can say it all sounds crazy, but children is the hope of society. We should help stop poverty in order to reduce child labor in our community.


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