Equality in a Global Society

Related image Every individual are born the same way. Everyone then deserve the same right and acceptance provided. We follow laws and comply with the norms set to protect all individuals.
   ‎In our society people are faced with problems on discrimination and injustice because of race, skin color, culture that make some inferior or lower than others. Another issue also is the differences in beliefs and ideals along with gender and lifestyle preferences.
   ‎To correct inequality in society , business owners should stop refusing to serve chants bases on sexual orientation. People should respect and give equal opportunities to everyone regardless of color ,race, beliefs in terms of job and school opportunities.
   ‎An open mind on the people of society, how they act , interact and feel would help understand and solve inequalities in the society.
   ‎When you look at someone , don’t judge immediately by physical appearance. Impressions should be set aside. Give time for a person to prove worth, skills and talent. It is through this way where we can give equal chances to everyone based on credentials and skills not by connections , grudges and discrimination because of individual differences.
   ‎Let us start doing this now for a better , happier and satisfied people living in a community under one nation.


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